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Role Menu Access

Role Menu Access used to enable or disable access to menus for a role.

Access Definitions

  1. Active -  "Active" access will allow the user to access a menu when they login.
  2. Add - Activates the "New" icon whereby users will be able to add "New" records.
  3. Edit - Activates the "Edit" icon whereby users will be able to edit records.
  4. Delete - Activates the "Delete" icon whereby users will be able to "Delete" or "Void" records.


  1. User Role Menu Access Report

Steps to configure access for a menu:

  1. Select the "Role ".
  2. Select the menu . Users can search for the menu or navigate through the page list.
  3. Edit the record . This will open the "Edit Form". Refer to Figure 1.
    1. Tick the access to enable "Active", "Add", "Edit" or "Delete".
    2. Save

Steps to configure access for multiple menus :

  1. Select the "Role ". Refer to Figure 2. 
  2. Select the menus by "Ticking" the check box next to the menu "Group".
  3. Tick the access to enable "Active", "Add", "Edit" or "Delete" at the bottom of the page.
  4. Click on "Apply".


  1. When access is modified for a role, the users in that role needs to log out of the application for the changes to take effect. 
  2. When a user has multiple role, all access for each role is enabled for the user.

Figure 1 : Role Access for a Menu

Figure 2: Role Access for Multiple Menus